Is SSL certificate free on GoDaddy? (12 Questions Answered!)

Is SSL certificate free on GoDaddy? (12 Questions Answered!)

Is SSL certificate free on GoDaddy? (12 Questions Answered!)

Is SSL certificate free on GoDaddy?

GoDaddy does not offer automatic, free SSL certificates. Instead, you need to purchase one. Here are the options:

  1. Standard SSL: suitable for blogs and social websites, priced at around $69.99 annually.
  2. Managed DV SSL Service: Secures one website, starting at $119.99 annually with a 2-year term.
  3. Organizational Validation (OV) SSL Certificate: Validated organization, priced at $135.99 per year.
  4. Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate: Provides the highest level of validation, starting at $124.99 per year with a 2-year term.

Remember that SSL certificates enhance security and build visitor confidence. Select the option that best meets your requirements!

Basic SSL information that you should know

Watch this video to learn more

Introduction to SSL Certificates

An SSL certificate, also known as a Secure Sockets Layer certificate, is an electronic certificate designed to facilitate secure, encrypted interactions between a web browser (or client) and a web server. It is essential for maintaining the integrity of data, ensuring privacy, and verifying the identity of users over the internet. Below is a brief overview of SSL certificates.

  1. Encryption: An SSL certificate encrypts data transmitted over the internet, preventing unauthorized access and eavesdropping. This encryption ensures that sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, and personal data remains confidential during transmission.
  2. Authentication: SSL certificates verify the identification of a website. They verify that the website is owned and operated by a legitimate entity. This helps users trust that they are interacting with the intended website and not an impostor.
  3. Data Integrity: SSL certificates include mechanisms to ensure that data transmitted between the client and server is not tampered with during transmission. This prevents attackers from modifying or altering the data while it is in transit.

How does an SSL certificate work?

  • Encryption Process: When a user visits a website secured with an SSL certificate (indicated by “https://” in the URL and a padlock icon in the browser), the browser and server establish a secure connection using cryptographic protocols.
  • Handshake: During the SSL handshake, the server presents its SSL certificate to the browser. The certificate includes the server’s public key and is digitally signed by a certified authority (CA). To create a secure session, the browser verifies the authenticity of the certificate and uses the public key of the server.
  • Secure Communication: Once the secure connection is established, data exchanged between the client and server is encrypted and decrypted using symmetric encryption keys, ensuring privacy and security.

Benefits of SSL Certificates

  • Security keeps private information safe from detection or abuse.
  • Trust: Enhances trust and credibility with website visitors.
  • SEO: Google and other search engines prioritize secure websites (https) in search results.
  • Compliance: Helps websites comply with data protection regulations and industry standards.

Are there any free alternatives to GoDaddy’s paid SSL certificates?

There are free alternatives available from other providers. Here are a few options:

  1. Let’s Encrypt is a popular choice for free SSL certificates. Let’s Encrypt provides automated certificate issuance and renewal. You can use Certbot or other ACME clients to set it up.
  2. Cloudflare: Cloudflare offers a free SSL option called “Flexible SSL.” It encrypts traffic between the user and Cloudflare’s servers. However, note that it doesn’t encrypt the connection between Cloudflare and your origin server.
  3. ZeroSSL: ZeroSSL provides free SSL certificates with a straightforward process. You can generate and renew certificates easily through their online platform.

FAQ: ZeroSSL, Let’s Encrypt, and Cloudflare (which one is best and provides the best SSL certificate)

Among the three options, Let’s Encrypt is the best choice for providing free SSL certificates. It’s widely used and secure, and it offers automated certificate issuance and renewal through the ACME protocol.

Is SSL certificate free on GoDaddy?


FAQ: Are Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates good?

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates are superb for protecting online platforms. They provide complimentary, automated, and accessible certificates, making encryption available to everyone. Their simplicity and broad support improve online safety without imposing financial obstacles. Perfect for individual websites and small companies, they guarantee secure connections, building confidence and confidentiality. For bigger companies, extra functionalities from paid certificates could be necessary. In summary, Let’s Encrypt offers a strong, dependable option.

FAQ: Is Let’s Encrypt secure?

Yes, let’s encrypt securely. Let us Encrypt is a free, automated, and open certificate authority (CA) provided by the nonprofit Internet Security Research Group.Here are some key points:

  1. Purpose:
    • Let’s Encrypt issues SSL certificates for free, which are used to secure and encrypt traffic on websites.
    • These certificates give you the green padlock in the URL bar, indicating a secure connection.
  2. Security:
    • The resulting encryption depends on your certificate and SSL/TLS configuration rather than the CA you use (including Let’s Encrypt).
  3. Let’s Encrypt’s official client creates 2048-bit certificates, which are considered secure.

Remember, Let’s Encrypt serves as a platform for advancing TLS security best practices, and all certificates issued or revoked are publicly recorded. It’s a great choice for securing your website.

FAQ: How do I set up Let’s Encrypt on my WordPress website?

I have requested that before setting up Let’s Encrypt Create a backup file for your website. The easiest way to set up Let’s Encrypt on your WordPress website is to use a plugin. Here’s how:

Click here How do I set up Let’s Encrypt on my WordPress website?

  1. Install a plugin:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for “Really Simple SSL” or “WP Let’s Encrypt.”
    • Install and activate the plugin.
  2. Activate SSL:
    • Follow the plugin’s setup instructions. Usually, it will automatically detect your current setup and configure HTTPS for you.
    • For Really Simple SSL, after activation, click “Go ahead, activate SSL!” to enable HTTPS.
  3. Update URLs:
    • The plugin will handle updating your WordPress URLs and settings to use HTTPS.
  4. Force HTTPS:
    • The plugin will also add the necessary rules to force HTTPS on all traffic.
  5. Automatic Renewal:
    • These plugins often include automatic renewal for your Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate, so you don’t need to set up cron jobs manually.

By using a plugin, you can easily secure your WordPress site with Let’s Encrypt SSL without dealing with server configurations or command lines.

FAQ: How do I renew my SSL certificate on the WordPress site, Let’s Encrypt?

Renewing your Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on a WordPress site is easy if you use a plugin like “Really Simple SSL” or “WP Let’s Encrypt.” Here’s how to do it:

  1. Install and activate the plugin.
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for “Really Simple SSL” or “WP Let’s Encrypt.”
    • Install and activate the plugin if you haven’t already.
  2. Automatic Renewal:
    • These plugins typically handle the automatic renewal of your SSL certificate. Once set up, the plugin will renew the certificate before it expires and ensure your site remains secure.
  3. Manual renewal (if needed):
    • If you need to manually renew the certificate, navigate to the plugin settings in your WordPress dashboard.
    • Look for an option to renew the SSL certificate. This might be labeled “Renew SSL” or something similar.
    • Click the button to initiate the renewal process.
  4. Verify Renewal:
    • After renewal, check your site to ensure it is still accessible over HTTPS.
    • You can verify the new certificate’s expiration date by clicking the padlock icon in the browser’s address bar and viewing the certificate details.

Click here want to learn more about ‘How do I renew my SSL certificate on the WordPress site, Let’s Encrypt?

By using these plugins, the process of renewing your Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on a WordPress site becomes straightforward and mostly automated.

FAQ: How do I force HTTPS on my WordPress site?

Here are some steps to force HTTPS in Let’s Encrypt:

  1. Navigate to My products, then Web hosting, then your domain name.
  2. Select SSL and domain names from the left menu.
  3. On the right, click Manage Website and pick SSL Settings from the selection.
  4. Click “Enable.” Let us Encrypt and enable Forcing. HTTPS

Or, read this article. Click here

To force HTTPS on your WordPress site and use Let’s Encrypt for the SSL certificate, follow these steps:

4. Additional Steps (Optional)

  • Update Google Analytics and Search Console: Make sure to update your site URL in Google Analytics and Search Console to the new HTTPS version.
  • Update External Links: If you have links from other websites pointing to your HTTP version, consider reaching out to have them updated to HTTPS.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully force HTTPS on your WordPress site using Let’s Encrypt for the SSL certificate.

FAQ: How do I check if my website is fully secure over HTTPS?

To ensure your website is secure over HTTPS, follow these steps:

  1. Check for SSL (Secure Sockets Layer):
    • Look at the address bar when you visit your site. You should see “https://” at the start of the URL.
    • The “s” at the end of “http” indicates a secure connection.
    • Also, look for a lock icon on the left side of the address bar, which signifies a secure connection between you and the site.
  2. Use a website security checker.
    • Tools like Sucuri SiteCheck can scan your website for known malware, viruses, blacklisting status, and security issues.
  3. It’s a free service that checks your site’s safety and provides recommendations.
  4. Regularly Monitor Your Site:
    • Keep an eye on security indicators to maintain SEO rankings, organic traffic, and brand reputation.
    • Quick responses to threats are essential for website safety.

Remember, a secure website builds trust with visitors and protects their data! 🔒

FAQ: Is an SSL certificate good from an SEO perspective?

Yes, having an SSL certificate is beneficial from an SEO (search engine optimization) perspective. Here’s why:

  1. Google’s Ranking Signal: Google considers HTTPS as a ranking signal. Websites with HTTPS (secured with SSL/TLS certificates) may receive a slight boost in their search engine rankings compared to websites without HTTPS. This means that HTTPS can contribute positively to your SEO efforts.
  2. Trust and Credibility: Websites with HTTPS display a padlock icon and a “Secure” label in the browser’s address bar. This visual indication assures visitors that their connection is secure and that their data is encrypted. This can lead to increased trust in your website, reducing bounce rates, and improving user engagement metrics, which indirectly contribute to SEO.
  3. User Experience: Secure websites provide a safer browsing experience for users. Google emphasizes user experience as a crucial factor in rankings. Secure connections contribute to a positive user experience by protecting users from data interception and providing assurance that their interactions with your site are private and secure.
  4. Referral Data: HTTPS-to-HTTPS referrals preserve referral data (referrer information) in Google Analytics. In contrast, when a non-secure (HTTP) site refers traffic to a secure (HTTPS) site, the referral data may be stripped away, making it harder to track the origin of traffic accurately. This data integrity is important for understanding your website’s traffic sources, which can aid in your SEO strategy.
  5. Compliance and Future-Proofing: As online security standards evolve, HTTPS is becoming increasingly important. Search engines and browsers are prioritizing secure connections, and having an SSL certificate ensures that your website meets current security and compliance standards, keeping you ahead in SEO considerations.

In summary, while an SSL certificate directly impacts SEO rankings in terms of a slight boost and improved user experience metrics, its broader implications for trust, security, and compliance make it an essential component of a modern, SEO-friendly website.

FAQ: Is there any type of SSL certificate in Let’s Encrypt?

Yes, there are. Let’s Encrypt provides SSL/TLS certificates, specifically Domain Validated (DV) certificates. These certificates are designed to encrypt the connection between a user’s browser and your website, ensuring the data transmitted is secure and protected from eavesdropping or tampering. Let me know if you have more specific questions about SSL certificates or Let’s Encrypt!

What is the DV Certificate?

A DV (Domain Validated) certificate is a type of SSL/TLS certificate issued by certificate authorities (CAs) like Let’s Encrypt. Here’s an overview of DV certificates:

  1. Purpose: DV certificates validate only that the domain owner controls the domain for which the certificate is issued. They do not perform extensive checks on the organization behind the website.
  2. Validation Process: The validation process typically involves verifying that the requester has administrative control over the domain. This can be done through methods like email verification, DNS record validation, or file-based validation on the web server.
  3. Encryption: Once issued, DV certificates provide encryption for data transmitted between the user’s browser and the web server, ensuring secure communication.
  4. Features:
    • Cost-effective: DV certificates are often available at low or no cost, especially from providers like Let’s Encrypt.
    • Quick issuance: They can be issued quickly, sometimes within minutes, since the validation process is automated and straightforward.
    • Suitable for most websites: DV certificates are suitable for personal websites, blogs, informational sites, and small businesses where verifying domain ownership is sufficient.
  5. Usage: DV certificates are commonly used to secure websites that do not involve handling sensitive personal or financial information directly. They are not suitable for websites that require extended validation of organizational details or where users expect higher assurance of trustworthiness beyond domain ownership.

Overall, DV certificates are a convenient and cost-effective way to secure websites with encryption, ensuring that user data remains confidential during transmission over the Internet.

What is the TLS Certificate?

TLS stands for Transport Layer Security. It’s a cryptographic protocol designed to provide secure communication over a computer network. TLS ensures privacy and data integrity between two communicating applications, such as a web browser and a web server. Here are some important points concerning TLS:

  1. Encryption: TLS encrypts data to ensure that it cannot be intercepted and read by unauthorized parties. This is crucial for protecting sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, and personal data.
  2. Authentication: TLS provides mechanisms for verifying the identity of communicating parties. This guarantees that users are connecting to the correct website, not an impostor or harmful server.
  3. Data Integrity: TLS includes measures to detect data tampering during transmission. This assures that the data received matches exactly what was supplied, with no alterations.
  4. Versions: TLS has gone through several versions, including TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, TLS 1.2, and the latest version as of now, TLS 1.3. Each version introduces improvements in security, performance, and cryptographic algorithms.
  5. Usage: TLS is widely used to secure connections on the internet, such as HTTPS websites, secure email (SMTPS, IMAPS), secure file transfer (FTPS), and virtual private networks (VPNs).

TLS is an essential technology for ensuring secure communication and protecting user privacy online.


1) What are the types of SSL certificates offered by GoDaddy?

GoDaddy offers four types of SSL certificates: Standard SSL, Managed DV SSL Service, Organizational Validation (OV) SSL Certificate, and Extended Validation (EV) SSL Certificate. Each has its own pricing and features, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

2) What are some free alternatives to GoDaddy’s SSL certificates?

There are several free alternatives to GoDaddy’s SSL certificates. Some popular options include Let’s Encrypt, Cloudflare, and ZeroSSL. These providers offer free SSL certificates with varying features and levels of security.

3) How can I set up Let’s Encrypt on my WordPress website?

You can set up Let’s Encrypt on your WordPress website using a plugin like “Really Simple SSL” or “WP Let’s Encrypt.” These plugins automate the process of generating and installing the SSL certificate, as well as configuring HTTPS on your website.

4) How do I renew my Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on a WordPress site?

Renewing your Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate on a WordPress site is straightforward with plugins like “Really Simple SSL” or “WP Let’s Encrypt.” These plugins handle the automatic renewal of your SSL certificate, ensuring your site remains secure.

I have written article related to SSL. Click here to read


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