August 2024 Google Core Update

Turning YouTube Videos into Web Content: What Google Says

Have you ever wondered if it’s okay to take the words from your YouTube video and put them on your website? Good news: Google says it’s totally fine! Let’s break down what this means for you and your content.


What Google’s Expert Said


Martin Splitt, who knows a lot about how Google works, talked about this in a podcast. Someone asked if putting YouTube video content on a webpage would be seen as copying. Martin’s answer? Not at all!


Why It’s Not a Problem


  1. Videos and text are different. Google sees videos and written words as two separate things.
  2. It’s actually helpful. Some people like to read instead of watch videos.
  3. Reaching more people: By having both video and text, you’re making your content available to more folks.

Cool Stats to Know:

  • 85% of internet users in the US watch online videos every month.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs.


So by having both, you’re reaching almost everyone!


Making Your Content Work Harder

Here’s a smart trick: Make a video, write down what you said, and put that on your website. Now you’ve got two pieces of content from one idea! This is called “repurposing,” and it’s a great way to share your message.


The Big Takeaway

Don’t worry about Google getting upset if you turn your videos into text. It’s actually a good thing! You’re making your content available to more people in the way they like it. Whether someone prefers to watch, read, or listen, you’ve got them covered. And Google? They’re totally cool with it.

By Intech Sea Team

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