Anthropic Announces Prompt Caching With Claude

Anthropic Announces Prompt Caching With Claude

Anthropic just shared some cool news about their AI helper, Claude. They’re adding a new feature called Prompt Caching. Let’s see what this means for you!


What’s Prompt Caching?

Prompt Caching is a new tool that helps Claude work better with big, detailed tasks that you do often. It makes Claude:

  • Faster (up to 50% quicker!)
  • Cheaper (up to 90% less expensive!)
  • More consistent in its answers


How Does It Work?

When you give Claude a lot of information or instructions, it can now save and reuse that data. This means:

  • Claude doesn’t have to start from scratch each time
  • It can work faster on big projects
  • You save money when using Claude for similar tasks


Who Can Use It?

Prompt Caching is great for all kinds of businesses, big and small. It’s especially helpful for:

  • Long conversations with Claude
  • Working with large documents
  • Giving Claude detailed instructions
  • Coding projects
  • Tasks that use multiple tools

Right now, you can try Prompt Caching through Anthropic’s API. It works with Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Claude 3 Haiku.


Why Is This Cool?

Imagine you’re working on a big project that needs lots of info. With Prompt Caching, Claude can remember all that info without you having to repeat it. This saves time and money, and helps Claude give better answers.


What’s Next?

If you want to try Prompt Caching, you can check out Anthropic’s API. It’s a new tool, so we’ll be watching to see how people use it and what cool things they create!

Learn More – Anthropic API here:

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Featured Image by Shutterstock/gguy

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