Do You Want to Write for Intech Sea

You Are Welcome!

Intechsea is a well-known name in the industry. We got here by working hard and staying focused. We appreciate our guest writers and want more people to join us.

AI-generated content is everywhere, and we’re careful about what we share. We want our blog to be helpful for our readers.

We need well-researched articles that help SEO professionals, marketers, and business owners. If you’re a writer with good info to share, we want to hear from you.

We check every article to ensure the finest quality. Please read our guidelines before you send us anything.

Our Content Philosophy

We will conduct thorough research, craft, and ensure that every piece of content meets the highest standards of quality.

Our articles will offer actionable advice and practical tips for our readers.

We aim for original content that distinguishes itself and offers new insights.

We prefer articles that are specific to SEO professionals, digital marketers, and business owners.

Our content will educate and inform our audience about the latest trends and best practices.

Submission Guidelines

We welcome guest posts on SEO, digital marketing, the digital marketing sector, business, and technology.

Articles should be a minimum of 800 words and a maximum of 6000 words.


  • Paragraphs should be concise and easy to read.
  • Use subheadings, bullet points, and numbered lists as needed to enhance readability.

SEO and Links:

  • Include up to 3 do-follow links.
  • Focused keywords must have a search volume of at least 100.
  • All other links should be no-follow.
  • Content linking to bad sources or PBNs will be rejected. We will inform you of any issues.

Author Bio:

  • An author bio is optional. If desired, please provide a brief bio to include with your post.

Submission Process:

Review and Editing:

  • We will review your submission for quality and adherence to guidelines. Posts containing problematic links will not be published. We will notify you if there are issues with your submission.

Response Time:

  • We will respond to your submission within 1 day.


  • There are no specific deadlines for submission.



  • There is a $50 fee per guest post. However, if we like the content it can be free.
  • We also offer free guest post opportunities if you participate in a link exchange.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I include links in my article?
Yes, we encourage you to include relevant outbound links as they enhance content quality and performance. Ensure that the links are:

  • Helpful to the reader.
  • Directed to high-quality, authoritative sources.
  • Relevant to your article’s topic.
  • Not affiliate or paid links.
  • Not directing readers to your personal site.

Will you edit my article?
No, we do not edit submitted articles. Please ensure your content is polished and adheres to our guidelines before submission.

Is there a fee for guest posts?
We charge $50 per guest post. However, if we like your content, we may waive the fee. Additionally, if you engage in a link exchange, your guest post can be published for free.

Write for Us: Unlocking Opportunities in SEO and Digital Marketing

Are you passionate about SEO or digital marketing? Do you have unique insights or experiences you’d like to share with a wider audience? If so, you’ve come to the right place! We’re always on the lookout for fresh voices and expert opinions to contribute to our growing platform. Whether you’re an experienced marketer, an SEO enthusiast, or someone eager to share valuable knowledge, this is your chance to write for us and get your ideas noticed.

Why Write for Us?

Writing for us is more than just an opportunity to share your thoughts—it’s a chance to build your personal brand, connect with like-minded professionals, and contribute to a community that values expertise and innovation. Here’s why you should consider writing for us:

  • Showcase Your Expertise: If you’re knowledgeable about SEO, digital marketing, or related fields, writing for us allows you to showcase your expertise to a broad audience. Whether it’s sharing the latest trends, providing actionable tips, or analyzing industry shifts, your content can help others learn and grow.

  • Expand Your Reach: Our platform reaches a diverse audience, including business owners, marketers, and professionals from various industries. By writing for us, you can extend your influence and connect with readers who are eager to learn from your insights.

  • Build Your Portfolio: Whether you’re a seasoned writer or new to content creation, contributing to our platform can enhance your portfolio. Having your work published on a reputable site can boost your credibility and open doors to new opportunities.

  • Contribute to the Community: SEO and digital marketing are constantly evolving. By sharing your knowledge, you contribute to a community that thrives on continuous learning and improvement. Your content can inspire, educate, and help others navigate the complexities of these fields.

  • Networking Opportunities: When you write for us, you’re not just sharing content; you’re engaging with a community of professionals. This can lead to valuable connections, collaborations, and even potential job opportunities. Networking through content creation is a powerful way to establish yourself in the industry.


What We’re Looking For

We are interested in well-researched, insightful, and engaging content that resonates with our audience. Here’s a breakdown of the topics and content types we are particularly interested in:

1. SEO Strategies and Trends

The SEO landscape is ever-changing, with search engines continually updating their algorithms and best practices. We are particularly interested in content that explores the following:

  • On-Page SEO Techniques: Discuss the latest best practices for optimizing individual web pages to rank higher and earn more relevant traffic in search engines. This includes keyword placement, meta tags, image optimization, and internal linking.

  • Off-Page SEO and Link Building: Insights into effective strategies for acquiring high-quality backlinks, improving domain authority, and enhancing online reputation through off-page SEO efforts.

  • Local SEO Tips: With the increasing importance of local search, we welcome articles that explore how businesses can optimize for local search queries, manage their Google My Business profiles, and leverage local citations.

  • Technical SEO Insights: Delve into the more technical aspects of SEO, such as site speed optimization, mobile-first indexing, structured data, and canonicalization. Technical SEO is crucial for improving a website’s crawlability and indexability, and your expertise can guide others through these complex topics.

  • Algorithm Updates and Analysis: With search engines like Google frequently updating their algorithms, staying informed is key. We welcome content that analyzes the impact of recent updates, offering insights on how businesses can adapt and thrive.

2. Digital Marketing Insights

Digital marketing is a broad field, encompassing everything from social media to email marketing. We are eager to publish content that covers:

  • Content Marketing Strategies: Share your expertise on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and engage a target audience. This could include tips on content creation, content calendars, and effective storytelling techniques.

  • Social Media Marketing: Social media platforms are powerful tools for building brand awareness and engaging with audiences. We’re interested in articles that explore social media strategies, platform-specific tips, influencer marketing, and paid social campaigns.

  • Email Marketing Tactics: Despite being one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, email marketing remains highly effective. Write about strategies for building email lists, crafting compelling email campaigns, and improving open and click-through rates.

  • PPC and Paid Advertising: Paid advertising, including pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, is a critical component of digital marketing. We’re looking for content that dives into ad copywriting, targeting strategies, budget management, and ROI optimization for platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads.

  • Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Driving traffic to a site is only half the battle; converting that traffic is equally important. Articles focused on CRO techniques, A/B testing, and user experience design are highly valuable to our readers.

3. Case Studies and Success Stories

Do you have a success story from your experience in SEO or digital marketing? Case studies that showcase real-world applications and outcomes are incredibly valuable to our readers. Consider writing about:

  • Successful SEO Campaigns: Walk readers through a successful SEO campaign you’ve managed, detailing the strategies you used, the challenges you faced, and the results you achieved. Real-life examples can provide valuable lessons and inspiration for others.

  • Digital Marketing Triumphs: Whether you’ve led a viral social media campaign, significantly boosted email engagement, or achieved outstanding ROI on a PPC campaign, sharing your story can help others replicate your success.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Every marketer faces challenges, whether it’s dealing with a Google penalty, managing a tight budget, or navigating a crisis. Share how you overcame these obstacles and what others can learn from your experience.

4. How-to Guides and Tutorials

Practical, actionable content is always in demand. If you’re an expert in a particular area of SEO or digital marketing, consider writing a how-to guide or tutorial. Examples might include:

  • Step-by-Step SEO Audits: Provide a comprehensive guide on conducting an SEO audit, from assessing on-page factors to analyzing backlinks and technical issues.

  • Creating Effective Content Calendars: Help readers plan their content marketing efforts with a detailed guide on creating and managing content calendars, including tips for staying organized and consistent.

  • Setting Up Google Ads Campaigns: Walk beginners through the process of setting up a Google Ads campaign, from keyword research and ad creation to tracking and optimization.

  • Implementing Structured Data: Explain the importance of structured data for SEO and provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to implement it on a website.

5. Industry News and Analysis

If you enjoy analyzing industry developments, trends, and news, your content can provide readers with the latest insights and keep them informed about what’s happening in the world of SEO and digital marketing. Potential topics include:

  • Emerging SEO Trends: Discuss new trends in SEO, such as voice search optimization, AI in search engines, or the growing importance of user experience.

  • Digital Marketing Innovations: Explore the latest innovations in digital marketing, including advancements in automation, personalization, and AI-driven marketing tools.

  • Industry Predictions: Offer your predictions for the future of SEO and digital marketing, backed by data and trends. What should businesses prepare for in the coming years?

Guidelines for Submission

We value quality content that provides real value to our readers. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when submitting your work:

1. Originality and Plagiarism-Free Content

Original content is paramount. We require all submissions to be 100% original and free from plagiarism. Your content should not have been published elsewhere, and it should provide unique insights or perspectives that haven’t been covered in the same way on other platforms.

  • Unique Perspectives: We encourage you to bring your personal experience and voice into your writing. Your unique perspective can set your content apart from the rest, making it more engaging and valuable to readers.

  • Avoiding Plagiarism: It’s important to ensure that your work is entirely your own. Plagiarism is not tolerated, and all submissions will be checked for originality before being published.

2. Clarity and Readability

Your writing should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. Avoid jargon or overly technical language, and aim to explain concepts in a way that a fifth-grader could understand. The goal is to make complex topics accessible to a broad audience.

  • Short Sentences and Paragraphs: Breaking down your content into short sentences and paragraphs makes it more digestible for readers. This approach improves readability and keeps the audience engaged.

  • Use of Subheadings and Bullet Points: Organize your content with subheadings and bullet points to enhance readability. This helps readers quickly find the information they’re looking for and makes your article more user-friendly.

  • Tone and Style: Maintain a conversational and informative tone throughout your article. Blend elements of professionalism with a casual, approachable style to make the content engaging while still providing valuable information.

3. Length and Depth

While we do not have strict word count requirements, we typically prefer articles that are between 800 and 2,000 words. This length allows for thorough exploration of a topic without overwhelming the reader.

  • Comprehensive Coverage: Ensure that your article provides comprehensive coverage of the topic. Don’t just skim the surface—dive deep into the subject matter, providing detailed explanations, examples, and actionable advice.

  • Focus on Value: Every word in your article should add value. Avoid filler content and ensure that each section of your article contributes to the overall purpose and message.

4. Formatting and Structure

Proper formatting and structure are essential for maintaining professionalism and readability. Here are some key points to consider:

  • Subheadings: Use descriptive subheadings to break your content into sections. This helps readers navigate the article and quickly find the information they’re interested in.

  • Bullet Points and Numbered Lists: Where appropriate, use bullet points and numbered lists to present information in a clear and organized manner. This is especially useful for how-to guides and step-by-step tutorials.

  • Images and Visuals: If applicable, include relevant images, infographics, or charts to enhance your content. Visuals can make your article more engaging and help illustrate key points.

  • Proper Grammar and Punctuation: Attention to detail is crucial. Ensure that your article is free from grammatical errors and that punctuation is used correctly. This enhances the professionalism of your writing and improves readability.

5. Citations and References

If you reference data, studies, or other sources, be sure to provide proper citations. This adds credibility to your work and helps readers verify the information.

  • Credible Sources: Whenever possible, cite credible sources such as academic studies, industry reports, or reputable publications. Avoid using sources that lack credibility or accuracy.

  • Linking to Sources: When citing a source, provide a link to the original content so readers can explore the information further. This also helps build trust with your audience.

How to Submit

Ready to share your insights with our audience? Submitting your article is simple and straightforward. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Prepare Your Draft: Write your article in a word processor, ensuring it meets our guidelines for originality, clarity, length, formatting, and citations.

  2. Submission Process: Email your guest post to

  3. Review Process: Once we receive your submission, our editorial team will review your article for quality, originality, and relevance to our audience. We may request revisions or provide feedback to help improve your content before publication.

  4. Publication: If your article is accepted, we’ll notify you of the publication date. We’ll also share the link with you so you can promote your work to your network.

  5. Engage with Readers: After your article is published, we encourage you to engage with readers in the comments section. Answer questions, respond to feedback, and continue the conversation to build your reputation as an expert in the field.


Writing for us is a fantastic opportunity to share your expertise, build your personal brand, and contribute to a vibrant community of professionals in the SEO and digital marketing space. Whether you’re sharing cutting-edge strategies, analyzing industry trends, or providing practical how-to guides, your content can make a significant impact.

We’re excited to hear your ideas and help you share them with a wider audience. If you’re ready to get started, follow our submission guidelines, and let’s create something great together!

Remember, the world of SEO and digital marketing is constantly evolving, and there’s always something new to learn and share. By writing for us, you’re not just creating content—you’re shaping the future of the industry.

Discover powerful strategies to elevate your business presence online with our expert SEO and marketing solutions.

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